Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dazzle Me Formal Fall Release

The DMF fall line released last weekend in the form of 4 new shirts, 2 hats, and a new website under the name Smooth Criminals.   The guys over there did an awesome job of putting it all together and hopefully the photos do all their work justice.

Details about the shoot:

We had a room at the Tuckett Inn in Buffalo to ourselves for a few hours, two models, and some lights.  We have some behind the scenes shots courtesy of Mr. Brett Mikol, the creative designer at Dazzle.

I’m going to have to cut this post short because I have somewhere to be in 10 minutes, but check the photos and more importantly, the new Dazzle Me Formal website.

Perder la inocencia

¿Cuándo fue la primera vez que dudaste de lo que tus padres o maestros te dijeron? ¿A qué edad sucumbiste ante la curiosidad de saber que escondían tus compañeritas bajo sus faldas? ¿En qué momento descubriste que no por ir más rápido llegarás primero o que el amor es muy distinto al enamoramiento? La sensación de haber ido un paso más allá sin apenas darte cuenta.

Tal vez de esa manera se pueda definir el nuevo trabajo de los poperos Jesse & Joy quienes regresan, luego de su albúm debut en 2005, con una mejor instrumentación y menos dicción pero, eso sí, la misma frescura.

Ojalá que ahora no les endilguen otro comercial de lacomer.

Como prueba irrefutable encontrarán a continuación el video de el primer single Electricidad (Cuando tú me miras….no, no es la de Lucerdito); aunque esté inspirado en Ray of  Light de Madonna, el video demerita la rola porque parece que lo mandaron a hacer en Waldo’s Mart y no gastaron más de 15 pesos.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Madonna to Marry Jesus Luz?

This just into from the rumor mill: biographer Randy Taraborrelli told Britian’s Hello! Magazine that the queen of pop is considering marriage to Jesus Luz, 22-year old Brazilian model boyfriend, before the end of the year.

Taraborrelli said “Madonna is crazy about Jesus and has been telling close friends and family that ‘I could definitely see myself marrying him. Yes, it’s definitely on the table.’ “She knows that’s what Jesus wants. She has a lot of wonderful memories of both of her weddings. She doesn’t want to slip off and do it quietly. She definitely wants a big and rather fantastic affair.” Another Hello! source added, “Of course, the sex between them is scorching hot. To be candid, it’s what’s driving things.”

This is of course third and forth hand gossip, but it’s Madonna gossip, so we care. More from SFGate’s The Dish and MSNBC.  Also check out the W Magazine shoot with Madonna and Luz.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Madonna wants to marry Jesus Luz by the end of the year!

In an interview for “Hello!” magazine, Madonna’s biographer, Randy Taraborrelli said the Diva wants to get married until the end of the year.
The lucky broom is Brazilian model, Jesus Luz, which is only 22 years old. “Madonna is crazy about Jesus and told his close friends and family that she would see herself married with him”,. said biographer. Taraborelli added that Madonna always speaks openly about her love towards Jesus which she considers “a sweet”. The same biographer has revealed that the upcoming wedding could take place until the end of the year and will be a grand event. “He wants an opulent wedding. This is also Jesus desire. She has too many good memories from his other ceremonies, so it can’t make an exception. She certainly wants a large and extravagant event”, Taraborelli completed.
Madonna is in front of her third marriage, after she was married to actor Sean Penn and British director Guy Ritchie.

Madonna: Une Rétrospective (Première partie: les 80's)

Cette semaine, ou la dernière, ou la prochaine, je ne sais plus, Madonna sort un Best of monstre, intitulé Celebration, pour fêter ses soixante ans de carrière (et accessoirement aussi parce que c’était marqué sur son contrat avec Warner). Et vu que je suis le Pédé de la bande, je ne peux décemment pas me permettre de passer à coté de cette célébration de l’icône ultime de tous les homosexuels du cosmos, des confins de l’Ouzbékistan à la pointe du Cap Horn.

Alors je vous propose une rétrospective chronologique de la carrière de la dame, en trois parties, parce que sa carrière est presque aussi longue que celle de Valéry Giscard d’Estaing.

1958: Madonna Louise Ciccone naît à Bay City, dans le Michigan.

1963: Sa mère meurt prématurément alors qu’elle n’a que 5 ans. Ses futurs biographes prennent note.

1963-1982: Des trucs sans intérêt ont lieu: école, adolescence, débarquage à New York, débuts difficiles; la routine.

1983: Pendant que le monde se remet du disco avec une sévère gueule de bois, Madonna débarque -le cheveu en pétard, de la dentelle rapiécée sur le dos, une jupe par-dessus ses leggings ou ses bas résilles, et recouverte d’assez de crucifix et de verroterie pour fournir une demi-douzaine de brocantes spécialisées en bijoux fantaisie- avec son premier album sobrement intitulé Madonna. Holiday casse la baraque (et restera son hymne national), suivi par le très drôle Borderline et l’inoxydable Lucky Star. Un million d’années plus tard, force est de reconnaître que ce premier album est un assez irrésistible concentré de son pop-dance eighties, et qu’en ces temps de revival années 80, il plutôt très bien vieilli, pour peu qu’on se délecte des sonorités d’improbables synthés et autres boites à rythmes crépitantes.
Mon choix: le très rock’n'roll Burning Up, et Think of Me, idéal pour une séance d’aérobic.

1984: Madonna débarque aux premiers MTV Video Music Awards et entonne Like a Virgin, vêtue d’une robe de mariée spécialement conçue pour faire le tapin, perchée en haut d’un gâteau, puis se roule par terre en couinant. Et en passant, entre dans l’histoire, et devient la femme la plus connue du monde. Britney Spears, qui a trois ans à l’époque, prend note. La chanson devient son titre phare et l’une des plus célèbres de l’histoire la pop, et l’album Like a Virgin sort dans la foulée. Comme la jeune fille n’aime pas s’entourer de manchots, elle a choisi Nile Rodgers, leader de Chic -qui vient tout juste de produire les blockbusters Diana pour Diana Ross et Let’s Dance pour Bowie- pour le lui confectionner. Carton plein. L’ironie du second single, Material Girl, passe inaperçue, et le surnom lui collera à la peau jusqu’à la mort. Malgré quelques titres inutiles (Love Don’t Live Here Anymore) ou grotesques (Over and Over), l’album demeure un classique pop incontournable.
Mon choix: Dress You Up, imbattable pic de kitsch bariolé, aussi jouissif au premier qu’au douzième degré.

1985: Madonna tient son premier rôle au cinéma dans l’amusante comédie Recherche Susan Désespérément. Elle est éclipsée par son blouson, mais se rattrape en chantant la chanson originale du film, Into The Groove, probablement un des titre les plus implacablement dansants ce côté-ci de Michael Jackson. Puis elle se marie avec Sean Penn. Je sais, ça parait dingue aujourd’hui, hein?

1986: Madonna sort True Blue. 24 millions de personnes l’achètent. Ou 12 millions de personnes l’achètent deux fois. Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est un succès. Madonna a grandi (ou mûri comme on dit dans le jargon musical), lâché ses oripeaux de punkette, s’est fait couper les cheveux courts, et le public suit en masse. L’album, tel un Dr. Jekyll et Mister Hyde musical, se divise entre cinq singles monstres -Live to Tell, probablement sa meilleure ballade de la décennie; l’immortel Papa Don’t Preach; l’énérgique Open Your Heart; l’effervescent True Blue; l’indéboulonnable La Isla Bonita- et le reste, composé de titres bâclés et inaudibles qui constituent sans doute le pire de sa discographie. Dans le même temps, Madonna et Sean, voulant jouer à Humphrey Bogart et Lauren Bacall, se compromettent dans un mirifique navet, Shanghai Surprise, et nous mettent dans un embarras profond.

1987: Pas échaudée par son Razzie Award de la pire actrice de l’année, Madonna s’enfonce avec Who’s That Girl, dans lequel elle se prend cette fois très malencontreusement pour Judy Holliday, mais n’arrive même pas au niveau de Melanie Griffith. Elle fait une Tom Hanks, remportant un second Razzie Award consécutif. La GÊNE.

1988: Madonna soigne son orgueil blessé. Puis divorce.

1989: Madonna est un femme. Elle sort Like a Prayer et surprend tout le monde, montrant qu’elle a ce qu’il faut pour durer. La chanson titre, sublime mélange de pop, rock et gospel, est accompagnée d’un clip plutôt gentillet dans lequel elle fait un bisou à un Jesus Noir. Les vieux croûtons du Vatican s’étranglent avec leur osties, et les minables qui dirigent Pepsi annulent le contrat publicitaire sur lequel ils s’étaient engagé avec la star, préférant perdre leurs sous que garder leur culotte. Le reste du monde écoute l’album, kaléidoscope de titres imparables aux sonorités diverses dans lequel Madonna, pour la première fois, semble vraiment parler d’elle. Le monde se demande si elle ne serait pas une artiste.

1990: N’ayant pas compris que la musique lui réussit mieux que le cinéma, Madonna couche avec Warren Beatty, qui semble lui-même embarrassé par la situation, puis tourne dans son adaptation très colorée de Dick Tracy, où elle interprète une chanteuse de cabaret, et de belles chanson de Stephen Sondheim. L’aspect cartoon limite les dégâts, d’autant qu’un Pacino en plein délire désintègre tout ce qui tente d’exister sur un rayon de vingt kilomètres. (L’expérience Madonna aura néanmoins sévèrement traumatisé le célibataire endurci et niqueur légendaire Beatty, qui s’est empressé après coup d’épouser Annette Bening et de lui fait quatre enfants en à peu près vingt minutes.) Maligne, Madonna sort un album entier inspiré par le film, I’m Breathless, dans lequel elle parodie comme une idiote le style musical des années 40-50, et qui ne serait qu’une vaste fumisterie si le dernier titre du disque n’était une sorte de bombe nucléaire appelée Vogue -dont David Fincher tire un clip légendaire inspiré par les stars du Golden Age que la garce pille sans vergogne depuis toujours- prouvant qu’un disque de Madonna n’est jamais un achat inutile.

Elle embraye avec le Blonde Ambition Tour, éléphantesque cirque ambulant dans lequel elle simule des relations sexuelles avec un lit. Le Pape, toujours aussi à la page, incite les chrétiens à ne pas assister au concert. Les chrétiens s’en cognent et y vont.

Madonna clôt la décennie avec son premier Best of, joliment titré The Immaculate Collection, qui contient une merveille élégamment érotique concocté avec Lenny Kravitz, Justify My Love, dont le clip réalisé par Mondino, qui contient des bouts de fesses et de nichons, fait scandale, et devient le tout premier à être interdit sur MTV. Pas impressionnée, la Diva le sort en VHS, et fait un nouveau carton. Épuisant.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Madonna & Celebration i fysisk upplaga

Alltid när Madonna släpper någonting nytt så vill jag även ha det i fysisk form. Det spelar ingen roll hur mycket man än kan ladda ner hennes alster på fildelningssajter, för att sitta med ett nyinköpt ex av The Queen of Pop, de slår allt.

Så att sitta och klämma och lukta på denna samling, det blir mitt lilla fredagsnöje… (;-) Får jag lust så kanske det till och med händer att jag öppnar den och lyssnar lite…(;-)

The Top 10 Singers and Groups of Glam-Pop

What is “Glam-Pop” you might ask?  Well, it’s those songs that seem to be heard everywhere full of electro-beats, synthesizers, and lyrics about sex and making out with chicks.  Requirements would be that the said artist AT LEAST claims to be bi, you see about five and upwards hipsters at their shows, they have a gay following (this is crucial, although straight people like myself love them too), the term “fabulous” is used more than once when describing their music, the beats sound like they’re sprinkled with glitter, and that the artist has somewhat of their own, outrageous style.

So come inside for the top ten pioneers of this movement, because really, glam-pop is the new indie-rock.


Goldfrapp is certainly not new to the game of glittery pop music that tends to sound like it’s literally sparkling when you listen to it, but they’re really just starting to make their mark.  Fans might have recognized their song “Strict Machine” being used as of late in a few car commercials, and they’ve started to develop quite the cult following.  The group hails from London and was formed in 1999 by Alison Goldfrapp on vocals and synthesizer and Will Gregory on synth.  Ten years later, they’re still putting out incredible albums each one different and more creative from the last.


Up until about this year, the Veronicas were pretty much “those Aussie twins who sang ‘4Ever.’”  Then Jess dyed her hair blonde, came out as bisexual after hooking up with an MTV VJ  Ruby Rose, and the girls scored a massive hit with their single “Untouched.”  After that, they reached crazed-fan-level stage.  I experienced this first-hand when I went to one of their shows to meet Taylor Momsen and soon found myself on a dance floor surrounded by obsessive girls and their hyper-active gay guys who along with wearing their band t-shirts, were thisclose to crying but stopped themselves by screaming and dancing to their music in euphoria.  (For the record, it was the most entertaining night of my life–the club lowered a DISCO BALL halfway through their set) Jess and Lisa lived up to their hype, and reminded me why I had been a fan for a nanosecond back in tenth grade and ever since then I’ve been eating up anything they’ve sent my way.


Well, let’s just start with the obvious:  SHE’S VOMITING GLITTER OUT OF HER MOUTH ON THE ALBUM COVER.  If that’s not a big enough indication, then please listen to the genius of Santigold’s music.  Pop music’s answer to M.I.A, Santigold’s music is addictive and fresh, and her videos are always mad creative.  Santigold (real name: Santi White) got her start as a songwriter and A&R rep for Epic Records before dropping her self-debut album in 2008 much to glowing reviews and press.  She’s made it known that her music is pop and not R&B once saying,”Everyone is just so shocked that I don’t like R&B. Are you shocked that Good Charlotte isn’t into R&B? Why does R&B keep coming into my interviews? It’s pissing me off. I didn’t grow up as a big fan of R&B and, like, what is the big shocker? It’s stupid.” A bit of an underground sensation, hipsters love her and she’s developing quite the following.  Just don’t call her an R&B singer.


Gossip is fronted by a wild, overweight lesbian hailing from Arkansas who looks like she’s escaped from a John Waters movie and has a propensity for stripping onstage during shows.   It can be none other than Beth Ditto.  Always outspoken, always outrageous, and always always always preaching the importance of staying true to yourself and loving who you are, Beth gives Gossip their sure-to-be cult status.  But don’t let the description fool you, Ditto has raw talent that erupts from your speakers and shakes you.  Baring an uncanny resemblance to Janis Joplin with her wailing voice, Beth has become a celebrity in her own right. Their new album “Music For Men” who is due out in October, and it’s sure to solidify their status as one of music’s most interesting acts.


A newcomer to the scene, La Roux is starting to invade clubs and  dance halls everywhere with her latest batch of singles including “In For the Kill”, “Bulletproof” and “Quicksand.”  Her music is the kind that will put you in a trance, and her voice will take you by surprise the second she opens her mouth.  Hailing from Britain, La Roux has just started making buzz in the States with self-titled album debuting in July and garnering new fans with every listen.


Peaches is the queen of electro-glam pop.  She’s been shocking audiences since her first album “Teaches of Peaches” dropped in 2000 with such gems as “F-ck the Pain Away” and “AA XXX” (pronounced “Double A, Triple X”)  You can’t mess with this woman.  Peaches also happens to be a proud bisexual (her song “I U She” dealt with how she didn’t want to choose whether she liked boys or girls) and declares it any chance she gets.  While the first few albums dealt mostly with rapping about every possible way that there is to have sex, her latest effort “I Feel Cream” is decidedly more mature and as a result, shockingly more effective.  As an artist who’s evolving and not anywhere close to losing her touch, Peaches will not stop shocking for a very long time.


As the lone boy on this list, Mika has an upperhand on most of the other male singers by creating a unique sound all his own.  Mika hails from London and spent a childhood moving around from Lebanon to Paris until shooting to fame in 2007.  Having just released his second album “The Boy Who Knew Too Much”, Mika recently came out as bisexual saying that he has “never limited who I’ve slept with” and ending it by saying, “You should be as free as you want.”  Mika’s lyrics are quite deep and deal with difficult topics such as a man having both homosexual and heterosexual affairs while married in “Billy Brown”, and a woman dealing with discrimination in “Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)”  proving he’s not just someone you can write off for making pointless music.

Uh Huh Her

Uh Huh Her happens to be the newest band on this list, but their music is by far some for the best. Penning beautiful love songs about girls and matching them to beats that sound like cotton candy is their specialty, and they are awesomely good at it.  The group is comprised of Leisha Haley (of “The L Word”) and Camilla Grey, and their chemistry is palpable.  Their voices flow together perfectly and their album “Common Reaction” is one of my favorites of this year.


Say what you want about Katy Perry, but you can’t deny that she’s the one who made kissing girls cool and throwing glitter into the crowd awesome.  Without her we wouldn’t have this new wave of Glam-Pop artists getting so much recognition and a whole nation of girls acting like they just don’t give a f-ck.  Yes, before Gaga burst onto the scene Katy was dominating the pop charts with her summer smash “I Kissed a Girl” and was starting  something of a phenomenon with bisexuality being throwing into the spotlight and specifically, whether Katy’s sexuality was all just a gimmick (personally, I don’t think it is).  But whether Katy is actually bi or not is beside the point, after “I Kissed a Girl” she proved she’s not just a one-hit wonder by releasing three other hit singles: “Hot N Cold”, “Waking Up In Vegas”, and “Ur So Gay.” And coming from someone who saw her live in May, she can sing live and she puts on one heck of a show.  Providing a nation of girls the chance to make out with each other and proving she’s not a one trick pony, Katy is definitely one of the most exciting acts to come out of this group.


Lady Gaga is a rare breed of an artist who considers everything she touches art, and creates music and a style so avant-garde it never fails to get people talking.  While sometimes her antics make her come off as a famewhore, she is a genius at working the press.  Gaga is also currently queen of the gays (a huge group to have on your side in a genre like this) and their devotion to her is so fierce that she’s being already called the next Madonna.  Gaga’s music is all about the fame, and living a beautiful, glamorous life.  And after scoring four smash hits including “Just Dance”, “Poker Face”, “LoveGame”   and “Paparazzi”, she has every right to do so. Her mission, she says, is for everyone to create “the Fame” in their own mind so they can walk down the street and own it like a star.  And really, isn’t that what Glam-Pop is all about?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bosoms and Neglect

Bosoms and Neglect happens to be a very excellent play by John Guare, but I’m referring to something else. Every time I check out the latest “hot” web series (you know the ones that are getting millions of hits while Gemini Rising struggles to find an audience) I’ve noticed that there are a lot of shots where girls either take their shirts off, or they don’t even bother wearing any. Hmmmm, titillating concept, although personally I’ve always preferred the covered from head to toe allure of Garbo to the shove-her-skanky-crotch-in-your-face Madonna (now I ask you, who’s sexier?)

but, hey that’s me. I’m not a guy, although I do engage my animus once in awhile.

It’s a funny story. We were shooting the last episode of GR in that sleazy motel on Route 13 and while doing the poker playing scene, I recall almost telling Chris to tilt the camera down to get Cat Miller’s, the actress playing Miss Hershey, beautiful bustline in the shot, but I stopped myself because I questioned my motivation. I can’t honestly say that it was an artistic as opposed to a cheap, calculated impulse to exploit a situation. You see this stuff seeps into your brain even if you try not to let it. Later, when we were looking at the footage I told Chris about this and he said, “No, that would have been wrong.” “I know,” I said, which is why I stopped myself. Chris is very pure (he may have a dirty mind like the rest of us, but as an artist he’s pure) and he’s kept me on track before. You know a lot of people may say, “What’s the big deal? Show some T & A!” A lot of people do this, so really, I’d rather buck the trend and keep it pure. What I mean by keeping it pure is a bit difficult to explain, but I suppose for me the difference is in motivation. There is a difference between the artistic motivation and the calculated one. I suppose sometimes that line gets blurred, and most of these oafs who call themselves filmmakers today wouldn’t even know that line because they have as much sensitivity and artistic sensibility as a block of cement, but they’re are all about the “bottom line” which translates to the cleavage line most of the time. Little boys like to play with their toy cameras and stick them down girls’ blouses and up their skirts..haw, haw, haw. Clowns, man, fucking clowns! And us women? Is that temporary power you gain in that situation worth what you lose when you give into that shit? Take it from a once(still?) hot babe who’s now pushing 50!–Never sell yourself short. EVER!! Or to put it differently, don’t put out!

There are times when showing a character in a revealing outfit or no outfit at all is appropriate. For example, when we were shooting GR6, the same actress Cat Miller was playing Lizzie, the teenage runaway, and we set up the shot where she is talking to Robert on this wooden bench that had these rusty nails sticking out of it. Cat was kind of straddling those nails to avoid getting impaled and I really liked how her legs were spread in the scene because Lizzie would do that, unconsciously, so we kept it and it worked. Plus those nails became an image that underscored the sexual tension of the scene. Will most people pick up on that? No, but it’s there.

Sometimes an actor acts with his dick or an actress with her boobs or crotch. You use what you’ve got because we all do it in life. But an actor acting with his dick because the character would do that (his best acting job ever in my opinion)

is different from me being a sleazy filmmaker just focusing on his dick because it’s getting me off. That’s crossing into something else, like porn, or just shitty filmmaking. Like I said, it’s a fine line, and a fun line to dance along as an artist sometimes to find out where that line is. I suppose I found that line in that poker scene and I’m glad I held back. Like I’ve said before, there is sex in Gemini Rising, but mostly it is icky sex because that’s what we’re finding as we’re mining for truth. It’s not about making yourself feel good. Truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable. I don’t know whose quote that is, but I like it.

I suppose the irony is that we have some really beautiful women (and men) in GR. Maybe we would have gotten more YouTube hits if we had the girls standing in the mud topless wearing only loin cloths instead of the guys, but that’s not what we’re going for. Neglected or not, we’re staying true. Life is short. Art is long. Stay true.

Let's start the Celebration!

Only a few days have left before the official release of Madonna’s Greatest Hits – Celebration and the M camp has created a new sub-site for the promotion of it! There is a very cool feature in it, which allows you to put yourself on the cover of Celebration as well as star in the Madonna video (this feature is N/A yet, but will be soon!)

Join the party! Click on the photo!

Earlier this week was launched too, but currently is a bit tricky to figure out what is goin’ on…. nevertheless it’s always good to see some good internet promo for our Queen! –IB

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Celebration!!! el nuevo Disco de Madonna!!!

El 22 de septiembre fue el lanzamiento oficial de “Celebration”, el nuevo Disco de Madonna que es un cd con sus mejores temas  como la Chica Material, “Everybody”, “Express yourself”, “Vogue” y “4 minutes”.

“Celebration” estara disponible en formato de CD doble y sencillo y tambien habrá una versión en DVD que contara con sus mejores videos y material nunca antes visto. El Cd incluye también dos nuevos temas que fueron grabados por madonna en la ciudad de Nueva York. El primer sencillo, t “Celebration” fue coproducido por Madonna y Paul Oakenfold.

Madonna: La Cantante Lleva "Celebration" a Mexico

por: Ivonne Velázquez
Fuente: Televisa Espectáculos

La cantante Madonna está de plácemes celebrando un año lleno de éxitos y para rematar, hoy llega a México su nuevo disco titulado Celebration, un material que recopila sus más grandes éxitos y presenta dos temas inéditos.

Este nuevo disco, esperado por muchos, llega primero a México antes que Estados Unidos, donde se pondrá a la venta el próximo 28 de septiembre.

Celebration, estará disponible en tres formatos y contendrá sus más grandes éxitos, como “Express Yourself”, “Vogue”, “4 Minutes”, “Frozen” y “Justify My Love”, por mencionar algunos. Saldrá en formato de CD doble y sencillo, y un DVD con 47 videos de la diva.

Los temas inéditos se titulan “Celebration” y “Revolver”. Con este material, Madonna finaliza su contrato con Warner Music.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pink's Sparkly Vagina and Other Questionable Wardrobe Choices

I see London. I see France. I see Pink’s…. sparkly vagina?

I wonder what was going on in Pink’s mind when she donned this nude jumpsuit for her audience. “Tonight I’d like to wrap my body in tape and have my vagina shine like the diamond-encrusted treasure that it is!”

Not sure what she was hoping for, but, personally, the image of Pink’s sequined camel toe has been be burned into my retinas and I fear I may never be able to close my eyes again.

Not only has Pink’s frightening outfit choice scarred me for eternity, but it also drudged up images of other questionable choices in concert costumes’ past. As far as I can tell, the trend can be traced back to Madonna’s trend-setting cone boob attire. Since then, entertainers have found ways to take their costume choices to entirely new levels of indecency and utter fugliness.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

I get the obsession with vampires that’s going on right now but really, Lady Gaga? Don’t you think ovulating on stage is a bit much?

Well, this makes it quite obvious that Christina’s carpet does not match the drapes.

The costume isn’t so bad, but that microphone placement does answer the age old question: where does Madonna put her penis when she’s performing?

I don’t know if Beyonce is singing at Comic-con or showing us how to Go Green by turning 1970’s lawn chairs into viable fashion statements.

“Here’s what I’m thinking: sparkly sausage casing. Make it happen!”

Is it just me or does it look like Rihanna had a mishap with the toilet paper during Bike Night at her local watering hole?

Madonna and Janet to Duet?

MADONNA will perform a duet with Janet Jackson as a tribute to Michael Jackson.
The two singers are working on a tribute to Janet’s late brother after bonding over dinner after Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards.

The event saw Janet perform Scream, a track originally recorded with her sibling, and Madonna make a tearful speech about her regret at “abandoning” the pop icon before his death.

A source said: “It was a meeting of two great musical minds. Madonna was so impressed with Janet’s tribute to Michael that they started talking about how great it would be to honour him by doing something together…There was definitely something very interesting being planned between them.”

Madonna’s manager Guy Oseary recently revealed that the 4 Minutes singer had hoped to join Michael on stage during his This Is It London residency.

He wrote on Twitter: “A month ago, Madonna told me she wanted to do a surprise performance at one of Michael Jackson’s UK shows.”

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Trampolines Boosted by Celebrities

In a brilliant price of nonsense PR, Tesco have issued a press release that claims that Trampoline Sales are up 70%, boosted by celebrities like Madonna and Victoria Beckham.

Whilst it can not do sales any harm, it seems total rubbish to us. Sales are ok, but not up by 70%, and what evidence is there that Madonna and the Beckhams have trampolines. Have you seen their trampolines in the papers. We look out for that kind of thing, and certainly have not seen their trampolines.

What brand do you think the celebrities have?

Which retailer sold it to the Beckhams and Madonna? Did they go for a top brand, or a budget trampoline. did they get an enclosure? Are there any videos on the web of them using their trampolines? come on TP Activity Toys Trampolines brand manager, and Supertramp Marketing Men, which famous celebrities have you delivered to?

Seems a piece of PR spin , using celebrity names in a blatant attempt to make the story seem sexy.

Still trampolines re fun, they are healthy, and we all sell them, so good luck, and great positive news.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

La nouvelle télésérie "Ils" (version homme de elles!)

Je vous confirme que la Vilaine Charrue ne prendra pas sa retraite maintenant!

Ouin ben hier, j’ai été manger chez mon beau gars du Brésil, Kayak men… Ben malheureusement, je crois que ça ne colle pas… Ben lui semble intéressé, mais cette fois-ci c’est moi. Pourquoi, je ne sais pas… Ce n’est pas ce que je m’Attendais, il est bien et sincère, mais y’a un comme je ne sais pas qui fait que je ne crois pas que c’est le bon. pourtant, il est en santé, fait beaucou de sport, il ne fume pas, ne sort pas, ne prend pas de café, mange équilibré, etc… Cibole, je sais pas si ce que je veux c’est un bad boy ou une Nun! En tout cas, il avait planifié une activité sportive avec son ex, pas celui dont il a encore une relation qu’il va terminer à son retour de voyage, son ex, il a vécue 10 ans avec… Bon j’chu pas jalou pis de toute façon comme je suis en bon terme avec mon ex de 7 ans (oui oui, La Vilaine est capable de stabilité les tout petit!) je comprend.

Youpi, week-end débute et ce soir je repars à la chasse, je me dépêche de terminer ce post et go gay411. Je me demande ce que la vie va faire pour me surprendre ce week-end!  J’vous assure, je voudrait inventer un scénario télé avec des rebondissement que je ne pourrais pas être aussi imaginatif, rien ne se déroule comme je le planifie, alors pourquoi pas laisser ouvert les neuneuilles pour voir ce qu’il se passe. Ah oui je vous assure que je l’Ai pas trouver drôle, vous vous rappeler hier j’arrête de fiumer! Ben cibole pendant la soirée j’ai réussis à tenir le coup, mais pendant la soirée, là j’En peux pu faux que je fume…. Je lui dit bon je vais aller fumer dehors et je reviens, wow le beau cendrier en cristal qu’il me donne. Il me dit  “Je ne fume pas mais quelque fois pour les invités!” Bref elle était bonne et m’a fait tourner la tête…. Le pire ça été le matin, ben y prend paas de café… oups, là c’est pas drôle! moi pour me starter le matin 3 cafés minimum, pis le thé vert, non merci, il m’en a offert, hi hi h! LA Vilaine avec un Thé, pas dans son patern.  bref je diminue deumer, oui je sais y faut pas fumer avec une patch… inquiété vous pasa je l,ai déjà fait, la cigarette est pas bonne mais assez pour continuer à avoir le gout.

J’espère que ce soir mon prince va apparaître, on sait jamais, je sais pas si MArs est en Saturne, faudrait que je demande à Miss V.  elle a connait ça les planètes! eille elle m’Avait dit que j,Avais avec un gars, mon Barman, Vénus qui rétrograde, j’pensais pas qu’une vierge pouvait rétrograder, moi oui je peuxx me rétrograder, je vous l’assure, lol. Elle m’a expliquer une histoire charmande sur la chaloupe pis je vous dis que ça corresponsdait aboslument à mon histoire avec mon barman…  “Vilaine, tu rencontre un gars et il te dis je t’aime, bien dans ma chaloupe on va être heureux et on rame on rame et c’est beau c’est agréable et soudainement, le gars angoise et il te dit, non! non! je veux être seul, alors saute dans le lac, je ne veux plus te voir…  Alors toi tu nage, pour ne pas dire rammer jusquà la berge de peine et de misère et tu arrives sur le bord et là le beau ti-gars revient et il te dit non! non!, reviens je t’Aime, je t’aime, je ne peux vivre sans toi! et toi tu te dis ben ça se peut, alors tu rembarque dans la chaloupe et tu rames ,tu rames et là le manège recommence et il te fit, ben là je crois que j’Ai le gout d’être seul, je crois que ce n’est pas cce que je veux…. Alors tu replonge… et l’Hisoire ne s’arrête pas là le manège coninue à l’infinie!  Bref c’est ça Vilaine la Vierge qui rétrograde!”

Ben j’vous assure mais la Jojo médium  avait raison, je vous dit pas combien de tour de chaloupe J’ai pu faire, j’ai ramé, nagé pis ramé pis ……..Bon j’pense que vous avez compris… la morale de cette histoire, prennez le pond c’est moin long… Pis surveillez l’Allignement des planètes, ça pourrait vous jouer des tours!

Ce soir c’est samedi et je vais sortir, je vais faire briller la Vilaine Charrue, la Madonna des clubs Gai crusser et trouver “The Hot Men!”

Dans un autre ordre d’idée, je parlais pour parler avec Miss C, elle est folle d’un jeu sur facebook (fait toi uen farme!) ça j’avoue je ne comprend pas ce jeu, passer des mois dans les clubs, ça c’est quelque chose, tu les vois real tes légumes pousser, lol… Bref, on se disaient que mon blogue serait fort intéressant en film ou télésérie.. Peggy disait ben jpense que ça serait la série “Ils”, version ammélioré de “Elles”  OUUUUUUUUUUUUmmmmm qui ferait mon rôle comme acteir américain…. avez-vous des idées et Miss Peggy, qui incarnerait ce personnage…. Aidez-nous à faire le casting…. La première série  la plus écouté à ????? au fait quel canal?  Out Tv? ben c’est juste anglais, pis mon anglais est trash, j’Vous dis pas pour L’espagnol…. c,est encore pire… Bref, laissez-moi de messages, on aimes ça, moi Monsieur X et Peggy…

Et si vous sortez dites-vous que vous pourriez rencontrer La Vilaine charrue! et même que je pourrais vous signer des autographes!  APlus et dites-vouss bien c’est important!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Celebration CD booklet

This is part of the 1 CD booklet. I do believe the 1 CD booklet unfolds out to the poster as seen above. The 2 CD booklet is much more extensive.

Okay, so I’ve decided I’m buying both the 1 CD and 2 CD formats after seeing the artwork. I know it may sound silly, but I’ve invested over 25 years

in this woman, and I feel the need to splurge on this. The fact both formats have different artwork and posters is an added plus to this. This is definitely

a collection that’s worth owning. And most definitely, I’ll be picking up the DVD set on this as well. Though, I’m pretty sure I am passing on buying the digital

collection. I just feel the only reason I would be doing it is for the one new song which I am sure I’ll find somewhere. And the video collection isn’t complete

with the digital deluxe version vs. the DVD.

So who is going to buy both physical formats? Who is going to buy all the formats? I’m sure if enough fans who do this, it’s possible this collection could

hit #1. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Here’s the poster that comes with the 2 CD set. The 1 CD set has the same image but it’s the black and white version.

I know. I saw that poster and thought… hell, I’ve got to have it!!

Here’s the poster in the 1 CD format:

and here’s just 2 pages of the booklet in the 2 CD set:

Another image from 2 CD booklet:

2 CD:

1 CD:

more from the 2 CD booklet:

More from the 2 CD booklet:

Here the back of the 2 CD format:

Below is the back side which is actually the booklet:

If you look, you see the top right square image while it’s in the CD tray. And then when it’s unfolded, you see it’s the top right corner there with the credits for all the songs is below, lying on it’s side. So yeah, I am thinking that the poster is the booklet for the 1 CD. (Awaits for some to go completely bonkers over this one. LOL!)

So I believe that DOUBLE CD is with the booklet and poster separately.

In this photo we can see the poster behind the album (with booklet inside)

Well, the single CD has the album credits (neut’s first post) for sure. No idea what’s on the back of the double. Maybe one’s b/w the other color? That seems possible – look at the folds of both posters:

It’s quite possible they’re opposite sides, given the inverse folds. But that’s just a hazarded guess.

Celebration (2 CD)


List Price: $24.98 Price: $17.99 You Save: $6.99 (28%)

Release Date: September 29, 2009

Product Description

2 CD edition. Madonna, who has racked up a record 37 top 10 hits as well as seven No. 1 albums (including her last four) on the Billboard Pop Charts, has given her fans yet another opportunity to ‘celebrate’ her musical achievements. The songs on ‘Celebration’ have all been remastered and selected by Madonna and her fans. They cover the expanse of the Material Girl’s extraordinary career of hits

Track Listings

Disc 1

1. Hung Up

2. Music

3. Vogue

4. 4 Minutes

5. Holiday

6. Everybody

7. Like A Virgin

8. Into The Groove

9. Like A Prayer 10. Ray Of Light

11. Sorry

12. Express Yourself

13. Open Your Heart

14. Borderline

15. Secret

16. Erotica

17. Justify My Love

18. Revolver

Disc 2

1. Dress You Up

2. Material Girl

3. La Isla Bonita

4. Papa Don’t Preach

5. Lucky Star

6. Burning Up

7. Crazy For You

8. Who’s That Girl

9. Frozen 10. Miles Away

11. Take A Bow

12. Live To Tell

13. Beautiful Stranger

14. Hollywood

15. Die Another Day

16. Don’t Tell Me

17. Cherish

18. Celebration

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Madonna - Revolver (feat. Lil Wayne)

We hope the title is a reference to the shit Guy Ritchie film. We wouldn’t put it past Madonna. The song is alright. This wouldn’t sound out of place on one of Britney’s past two albums. The rhythm is definitely very similar to If You Seek Amy. The people that listen to one electropop song after another and don’t care who sings it will like it because it’s, as we say, another electropop song. It’s just one metaphor after another. Some work well like “You’re an accessory to murder” and “I’m no counterfeit” others less so like the cringey “Who’s the baddest of them all?” There’s an “E-oh E-oh” bit because apparently every pop song needs a catchy nonsensical noise at the moment. We quite like Lil’ Wayne in small doses and he does his bit and then we don’t hear much more from him.  It seems a bit pointless but it fills thirty seconds and HE’S COOL AND YOUNG.

Madonna’s songs used to feel important and different but this one could fit easily on a Kristinia DeBarge or Eva Simons album. Lady Gaga wouldn’t put this on her album because it’s too blunt and unimaginative. It’s ridiculous but we guess most pop stars that have carried on into their older age get beaten at their own game by the people they’ve influenced at some point. Obviously Madonna is good at comebacks and ‘reinventions’ so she could come back outplaying everyone again in a year or two. Everyone knows it’ll never be over for her until she says so because face it she’s Madonna.

Hear it here.

Revolver - Madonna feat. Lil Wayne

Madonna is about to release a greatest hits album called Celebration. I’m really digging the Warhol-tastic album art. After releasing a really lackluster single called, unsurprisingly, “Celebration” the pop legend leaks a new single featuring hip-hop golden boy, Lil Wayne. The beat is good, the lyrics are pretty standard Madonna pop fare and the hook is killer. This is what I call a greatest hits single.

While “Celebration” was in the same vain as the electronic phase the singer donned since a bit before the turn of the century starting with 1998’s Ray of Light (that is, until Hard Candy’s hip-pop), it was nowhere near as good as even some of the worse album cuts. Very disappointing.

But “Revolver”  is exactly how all of Hard Candy should have sounded. Apart from obvious exceptions, (”4 Minutes,” “Give It to Me,” and “Beat Goes On (feat. Kanye West)”) Hard Candy was underwhelming. This single gives us something to rock out to while waiting for something bigger and better from the singer. If she does more, which I’m sure she will.

Revolver  (feat. Lil Wayne) Bonus Downloads: Celebration Celebration (Oakenfold 12″ Dub)

What do you think of Revolver? Let me know with a comment below!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Manchester's Music ... in Pictures

The Kevin Cummins photography exhibition in the Northern Quarter is brilliant.  If you like Manchester music or even if you just like photography, check it out at the Richard Goodall Gallery on High Street before it closes on 26th September.

The exhibition is called MANCHESTER: Looking for the Light Through the Pouring Rain.  It features Cummins’ photographs of Manchester’s music scene taken over a period of more than 30 years.   It coincides with the release of his book of the same name. 

I was an avid reader of the NME in the 1980’s and Cummins’ band photography was one of the standout features of the music paper.   In fact, my first post for the Forever Manchester blog featured his brilliant front cover of the Stone Roses drenched in paint.

That picture (taken at a studio in Stockport, I think) is one of the 50 on display in the gallery.  Others feature Joy Division, The Fall, Buzzcocks, The Smiths, Happy Mondays and Oasis. 

Of these, the pictures of The Buzzcocks are probably the best.  Those of the Happy Mondays probably the weakest – not much material to work with there, let’s face it.  The cover shot of the book is an early snap of Morrissey, but it doesn’t grab me.  

Occasionally, an out-of-town act gets a look-in too, and the picture of a young Madonna at the Hacienda is wonderful, as is the one of The Clash playing at Belle Vue – yes, The Clash really played at Belle Vue. 

I’m probably drawn to these shots because of the crowd appearing as a backdrop and helping to date and place the picture in context.  If I recall correctly, the crowd visible behind Madonna are all static blokes with bad 80’s haircuts.  The Clash in the late 70’s obviously inspired a more dynamic response.

The Electric Circus, Collyhurst (not one of Kevin's shots!)

The pictures outside the Electric Circus in Collyhurst are also brilliant.  It is 1977 and the crowd on their way to see The Ramones have long hair and a complete lack of punk-rock regalia – yes, The Ramones really played in Collyhurst.  The shot includes a Hillman Imp and two lads offering a V-sign to the would-be David Bailey – perfection!


For my favourite shot though it is back to the Stone Roses – although they are not actually in it.  Cummins has taken a sensational shot of the crowd at Spike Island.  He has captured so much movement that the picture gives the impression that the crowd are dancing/girating at an incredible speed.  It reminds me of a C17 painting of the souls of humanity consigned to hell on judgement day and trying to escape from the burning pit.  But then, thinking about it, Spike Island really was that good!

Nice one Kevin.


A great accompaniment to Kevin Cummins’ book is John Robb’s The North Will Rise Again, published earlier this year.  John Robb relates the experiences of those that lived and breathed the Manchester music scene from 1976 based upon interviews with them.  One of the contributors is Kevin Cummins who is quoted as saying; ”In Manchester we weren’t dressed up like London punks.  At the time we were wearing old school shirts, cutting the tie shorter and writing slogans in biro on the shirts”.


MTV VMA 2009: Moda [ RedCarpet ] III

Simple, clasica, moderna y a la vez elegante se ve Madonna con este conjunto en color negro, de mas esta decir que toda la sobriedad para ese discurso tan emotivo, Madonna esta llevando los años con gracia y con estilo, bellisima asi sin mucha pose , maquillaje y pelo al natural.

Bellisima!, Juvenil y divertida se ve Maria Menounos en este mini vestido, nos encantaron los detalles en dorado que hasta hacen ilusion a las gravitores de la musica. Este para mi es uno de los mejores looks de la noche.

Espectacular, juvenil, fresco y super trendy. Los detalles de la cremallera estan fantasticos!

Clasica, elegante y sobria. Como nos tiene acostumbrados Olivia Palermo. El detalle del cinturon en animal print cierra con broche de oro este look.

Ni fu ni fa, hacia me dejo este look. Aunque hay que decir que Whitney Port esta radiante con este bronceado, pero el atuendo no me ha vuelto loca. Hubiera querido ver a la reality star y recien estrenada diseñadora con una de sus prendas, que hizo el lanzamiento 2 dias antes de los premios.

Imagenes [ MTV ]

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Panty lines and perfectionism

I was doing my regular exercise on the elliptical machine at the gym reading a magazine and wishing my 30 minutes were over.  When I looked up for a diversion, I saw a woman in front of me wearing a short top and pants slightly below her waist giving me a view of her red thong underwear.  While I can appreciate style and fashion I definitely had no interest in knowing the look and style of her underwear! But there it was, and I could hardly resist wondering why she chose to wear this uncomfortable garment and why it was all right for her to be flashing us.

Thongs were supposedly invented to remove panty lines which have become a faux pas in fashion according to the male-dominated sex/fashion industry.  Now sexy, liberated women can show their underwear publicly (thanks to Madonna for starting this trend), and I presume this is why. She wanted to be sexy and fashionable. However, women get sexual messages about gender from a repressive Christian church as well. According to Jessica Valenti in The Purity Myth, How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women, “…the virginity movement gives young women only two choices of who they can be sexually: sluts or not sluts. While the first choice doesn’t seem attractive, I can guarantee you that most young women are going to go with the option that allows them to have sex. And there’s no in-between identity for young women who are making smart, healthy choices in their sexual lives.” (1) This means then that women who desire to be attractive will follow the fashions of the day, whether uncomfortable (Girdles in another age were the precursor to thongs!) or dangerous (Who can run from danger in 4 inch heels?) And according to the virginity movement, as long as they are not sexual they meet the criteria for Christian purity.

In ‘”The Perfect Pantomime,” a short story about eating disorders, Aimee Liu notes the connection  between those women who suffer from eating disorders and the curse of perfectionism. Although researchers have discovered the risk of eating disorders is largely genetic, the mystery has not been solved because “science has shown that the contributing genes often express themselves through a signal personality trait: perfectionism.” Describing the perfectionism of her parents and her own life she writes, “I never doubted that the world was divided between the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the desirable and the disgusting. I knew there must be a right and wrong way to do everything, including simply to exist.” Suddenly, the flashing red thong in front of me connected to the author’s eating disorders that connected to the ‘purity movement’ and perfectionistic Christianity. The woman on the treadmill obeyed cultural rules about fashionable sexiness to her discomfort. Liu obeyed perfectionistic standards of her family system to the detriment of her health. And so many Christians obey an unattainable standard of perfection in their walk of faith that can only result in substantial guilt and angst.

The unrealistic quest for perfection is based on the misinterpretation of “Be ye, therefore perfect as your father is perfect.” (Matt 5:48) Yet, at no other time in the Bible are people of faith and courage told to be perfect. The Hebrew scriptures (Lev. 11:45) say, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” but according to Thomas Dozeman, “Holiness and God are inseparable in the Bible, but they are not the same.” In his view, “Holiness acts as an agency of the divine will.” That means that in following God’s will for our lives and seeking to live righteously we convey the holiness or righteousness of God even as we are not being God.

The word perfection is seldom used in scripture which favors the word righteousness instead. Any attempt to achieve some semblance of earthly perfection is idolatry. The self-absorption required in this folly prevents us from placing the rightful focus on God’s righteousness and obstructs our view of our neighbors and enemies as recipients of the love and grace that we are to convey.

Although we note Jesus’ disciples were less than perfect, Christians still attempt the impossible, especially women. This is because we get the double whammy of the cultural emphasis on sexy perfection and the religious repression emphasizing being sexy but not sexual.

While some women have wished to be “just a little” anorexic, Liu’s response is that this is like wishing “they could be just a little bit dead.” She concludes that “imperfection and blemishes are part of the human condition… our bodies contain us.. They carry us and work for us and give us pleasure. They speak for us when we dare not admit the truth. We owe it to ourselves to remember how to listen.” Christians seeking some sexual purity or female perfection are not listening to the wisdom of their bodies.

Instead of being like Jesus, a more correct idea would be to live like Jesus. This means not seeking some miraculous transformation into a quasi-god state but rather doing acts of justice to bring healing to those who suffer and to challenge the status quo when people are being hurt. This is what righteousness is. The perfection that many Christians seek is not Christian. It is from the Greco-Roman world which, it must be remembered, included a pantheon of gods to worship. Of eating disorders Liu writes, “Recovery must be measured not only in pounds, but also, crucially, in the discovery of a sense of self.” And that is also the mandate for Christians, discovering our sense of ourselves through the eyes of a loving God.

Muse continues to amaze

The Resistance, the newest release from Muse, is one of the year's most anticipated albums.

Muse’s fifth studio album, The Resistance, is probably one of their best yet. A follow-up to 2006’s Black Holes and Revelations, The Resistance has been named one of the most anticipated rock albums of the year. The band themselves describe The Resistance as a “symphonic” album.

The British trio has been popular for some time in the U.K., but more recently shot to stardom in the U.S. after Twilight creator Stephanie Meyer credited their music as her inspiration while writing the books.

In May of last year, Muse reportedly started writing material for the new album, but told fans not to expect a new album too soon. Almost a year and a half later, The Resistance is being welcomed with open arms. When the band uploaded 30-second clips of the new songs on their website three weeks ago, fans began crying for more.

The Resistance was produced by the band and mixed by Mark Stent. Stent comes highly recommended as one of the best in the business, having worked with the likes of Björk, Depeche Mode, Janet Jackson, Madonna, Marilyn Manson, Dave Matthews, No Doubt, Linkin Park, U2, Britney Spears and many other musical talents.

Muse wanted The Resistance to be “unconventional,” even considering a similar digital release to that of Radiohead’s In Rainbows. The album is certainly that–unconventional. It opens with the dance-worthy beats of the first single, “Uprising,” sweeping listeners into a fairytale-esque world of falsetto and vibrato.

The Resistance ends with one of the most notable tracks on the new album, “Exogenesis,” a three-part piece which required over 40 musicians during the recording process. Frontman Matthew Bellamy described the piece as “more of a symphony than a song” which he has worked on sporadically for many years.

A Muse album through and through, The Resistance pushes the limits of music. Each song is a sweet symphony of sound worthy of praise.

You might like this artist if you like Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Placebo, Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys or Kaiser Chiefs.

Download this: “United States Of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)”

Track listing:

1. Uprising

2. Resistance

3. Undisclosed Desires

4. United States of Eurasia

5. Guiding Light

6. Unnatural Selection

7. MK Ultra

8. I Belong to You

9. Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)

10. Exogenesis: Symphony Part II (Cross Pollination)

11. Exogenesis: Symphony Part III (Redemption)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Taylor Swift v/s Kanye West - MY TAKE!

I hate to beat a dead horse but I have to at least get a few kicks in.  I think I’m the only one in the world who has a different outlook on this whole situation.  Every0ne’s covering this story like it’s huge news or something.  Seriously?  Really?  It’s big news that Kanye West did a run-in and turned heel on Taylor Swift?  Cut a promo, powdered out and left with the crowd in the palm of his hand… think about it.

Let me pose this question to you:  Do you really think this was REAL?

Of course it’s not real!  Give me a freakin’ break!  Who actually watches the VMA’s anyway?  Not many people.  That’s why it’s being so talked about today.  Those of you who didn’t catch it, you’re all talking about it now.  Even though you didn’t see it, you’re Googling and YouTubing Kanye West’s promo on Taylor Swift.  It’s all over Twitter, Facebook, MTV, news stations… you name it and they’re talking about it!  No one cares about award shows anymore – that’s why they have to pull outlandish stunts to keep interest as high as they can.

Still don’t believe me?  Okay… how about this:

There was an altercation a few months back with Eminem and Bruno at the MTV Movie Awards.  Was it real or was it fake?  That was in May of 2009!  It’s still being talked about.  Bruno “teabagged” Eminem on national television and it started a huge conflict and sparked all kinds of publicity.  FREE publicity for MTV.

At the 2009 BET Awards, Lil Wayne started conflict with the whole Michael Jackson Tribute.  Google it.  As rediculous as it is, the guy stirred it up while everyone was focused on paying tribute to the greatest pop icon in history.  To me, it was a little greedy for BET to jump on the MJ band wagon so quickly, in the first place.  But who can blame them?  It actually got me watching (that’s right, me watching BET!) until I couldn’t take anymore Jamie Fox.

Want me to keep going?  Whether it’s Faith Hill “tracking down” Carrie Underwood at the Country Music Awards in 2006 or Britney Spears and Madonna kissing at the Video Music Awards in 2003, there’s always some sort of angle planned for these award shows.  Want more?  What about the “wardrobe malfunction” at the Super Bowl with Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson?  I could keep going and going…

The proof is in the pudding.  The fact is this – if it WAS real, FINE.  But everything you watch on television is a WORK, until it’s proven not to be.  And if you ask me, Kanye West coming on stage to beat down Taylor Swift (a huge babyface!) during her thank you speech… only for Beyonce to make the big save later in the night… it all seems way to easy.  It’s typical wrestling 101.

Here’s the storyline:  Kanye gets the heat by cutting off Taylor Swift’s victory speech, whom everyone LOVES.  He leaves with the fans booing.  What’s in it for him?  He gets the PUBLICITY.  Plus, he is now a “tough guy” for talking down to a woman.  Taylor Swift gets the sympathy.  The fans feel sorry for her.  Follow me?  Beyonce, another big baby face and huge superstar, wins her award later in the show… only to share the spotlight with Taylor Swift, whom was robbed of her big moment earlier.  Thus, this makes Beyonce look like a hero… it makes Taylor Swift a bigger star by being on-stage with Beyonce… and it keeps the baby faces (good guys/girls – Swift & Beyonce) on top in the end.

Call me crazy.  Go ahead.

By the way, I love Taylor Swift.  She’s one of my favorite artists right now.  Seriously.  (forrealmannolie)

MTV Video Music Awards

The 2009 MTV Video Music Awards payed tribute to music icon Michael Jackson last night, including an introduction by Madonna and a pretty cool performance by Janet Jackson. Madonna and Michael Jackson weren’t the only 80s influences popping up at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards though.  According to, “Passion Pit’s The Reeling pays homage to the 80s not only in its sound but with the creative animated video where everything is a collage.”  The video was nominated in the Breakthrough Video category but lost to Lessons Learned by Matt and Kim. Check out Passion Pit’s video… it is pretty cool.

Also nominated in the same category was “Heads Will Roll” by the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s

The Best New Artist award went to Lady GaGa for “Poker Face”.  Even though I can hear simularities to the 80s in some of the synth sounds, I’m not real sure that Lady GaGa is that 80s sounding.   That being said, I know that some people do consider her music to be very 80s sounding, here’s the video, you decide…

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let’s Celebrate Madonna’s 40th Number One Single


September 11, 2009

Let’s Celebrate Madonna’s 40th Number One Single

In Billboard’s September 26th issue (out next week) Our Lady of The Dancefloor Madonna will have her 40th!!! – that’s right ‘ her 40TH NUMBER ONE SINGLE on Billboard’s Hot Dance Club Play Chart” – more than any artist in the history of that chart. A list of all her preceeding Number One’s follow (feel free to sing along):

1. Holiday/Lucky Star (1983)

2. Like a Virgin (1984)

3. Material Girl (1985)

4. Angel/Into the Groove (1985)

5. Open Your Heart (1987)

6. Causing a Commotion (1987)

7. You Can Dance (LP Cuts) (1988)

8. Like a Prayer (1989)

9. Express Yourself (1989)

10. Keep It Together (1990)

11. Vogue (1990)

12. Justify My Love (1991)

13. Erotica (1992)

14. Deeper and Deeper (1993)

15. Fever (1993)

16. Secret (1994)

17. Bedtime Story (1995)

18. Don’t Cry For Me Argentina (1997)

19. Frozen (1998)

20. Ray of Light (1998)

21. Nothing Really Matters (1999)

22. Beautiful Stranger (1999)

23. American Pie (2000)

24. Music (2000)

25. Don’t Tell Me (2001)

26. What It Feels Like For A Girl (2001)

27. Impressive Instant (2001)

28. Die Another Day (2002)

29. American Life (2003)

30. Hollywood (2003)

31. Me Against the Music [Britney Spears featuring Madonna] (2003)

32. Nothing Fails (2004)

33. Love Profusion (2004)

34. Hung Up (2005)

35. Sorry (2006)

36. Get Together (2006)

37. Jump (2006)

38. 4 Minutes [featuring Justin Timberlake & Timbaland] (2008)

39. Give It 2 Me (2008)

40. Celebration (2009)

List Price: $29.99 Price: $19.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. You Save: $10.00 (33%)

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This title will be released on September 29, 2009.

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wooo hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to go, ciccone!!

Madge blocked Mimi from #1 

Billboard Chart Hot Dance Club Songs

Issue Date: 9/26/2009

* 1 * 2 – Celebration Madonna Warner Bros.

* 2 * 3 – Obsessed Mariah Carey Island/IDJMG

* 3 * 4 – She Wolf Shakira Sony Music Latin/Epic/Sony Music

* 4 * 5 – Don’t Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go) Noisettes Mercury/IDJMG

* 5 * 6 – Everybody Shake It Ralphi Rosario Featuring Shawn Christopher Blueplate

* 6 * 8 – Would’ve Been The One Solange Music World/Geffen/Interscope

* 7 * 11 – Keep It Goin’ Louder Major Lazer Featuring Nina Sky & Ricky Blaze Mad Decent/Downtown

* 8 * 12 – Sexy b***h David Guetta Featuring Akon Gum/Astralwerks/Capitol

9 * 1 – Bulletproof La Roux Polydor/Cherrytree/Interscope

10 7 – Sweet Dreams Beyonce Music World/Columbia

* 11 * 18 – Release Me Agnes King Island Rocky Star/NFM

12 13 – Be Alright Kristine W Fly Again

* 13 * 17 – Why You Wanna Hurt Me So Bad? Nicki Richards

14 9 – Goodbye Kristinia DeBarge SodaPop/Island/IDJMG

* 15 * 21 – The Real Thing Vanessa Williams Concord/CMG

* 16 * 22 – Right Here Carmen Reece Real Mf

17 10 – Paranoid Jonas Brothers Hollywood

18 * 23 – Wanted Jessie James Mercury/IDJMG

19 14 – Rose Of Jericho BT Nettwerk

20 15 – Shoes Tiga Last Gang/Turbo

21 * 26 – Give Me Tonight TR Featuring Frenchie Davis Dauman

* 22 * 27 – Fine Print Nadia Ali Smile In Bed

* 23 *P 30 *** Power pick *** This Time Baby Eddie X Presents Niki Haris 3MP

* 24 * 28 – She Ain’t Got LeToya Capitol

* 25 * 32 – I Didn’t Know My Own Strength Whitney Houston Arista/RMG

* 26 * 33 – We All Wanna Be Prince Felix Da Housecat Nettwerk

* 27 * 34 – Fame 2009 Naturi Naughton Lakeshore

28 24 – I Gotta Feeling The Black Eyed Peas Interscope

* 29 * 43 – Did You See Me Coming? Pet Shop Boys Astralwerks/Capitol

* 30 * 38 – Love Songs Anjulie Hear/CMG

31 29 – Living For The Weekend Jill Jones Peace Bisquit

32 31 – I’m A F*cking Celebrity DJ Timbo Luna Trip

33 19 – Fire Burning Sean Kingston Beluga Heights/Epic

* 34 * 40 – Losing My Mind Ali King Jellybean

* 35 * 46 – Do What U Like Bad Boy Bill Nettwerk

36 * 37 – Deja Vu America Olivo Dauman

37 25 – Attention Whore deadmau5 & Melleefresh Play

* 38 * 42 – Insecurities Junior Vasquez Featuring Maxi J Silver Label/Tommy Boy

* 39 * 48 – S.O.S. (Let The Music Play) Jordin Sparks 19/Jive/JLG

40 16 – Crazy Possessive Kaci Battaglia Curb

* 41 * 50 – Superstar David May Featuring Moses Modestro ABKCO

*O 42 New *** Hot Shot Debut *** Straight Through My Heart Backstreet Boys Jive/JLG

43 20 – Money’s Too Tight To Mention 2009 Simply Red & Tie

*N 44 New – Brand New Day Georgie Porgie Music Plant

45 44 – I Get Lifted Erick Morillo Featuring Deborah Cooper Subliminal

46 35 – Another Day Sophia May Nervous

*N 47 New – Sad Song Blake Lewis Tommy Boy

48 49 – Fountains Of Youth Loverush UK Featuring Molly Bancroft Sea To Sun

*N 49 New – Freeway Of Love Pepper Mashay Capp

50 36 – While You See A Chance Matt Zarley Featuring Billy Porter Zarley Songs

Breakouts For Hot Dance Club Songs

Rank Title Artist Label/Dist Label

1 Million Dollar Bill Whitney Houston Arista/RMG

2 Smoke Jus Jack With Phil Garant Featuring Matina Parisi Moda/

3 Turn It Out Altar Featuring Jeanie Tracy MamaHouse/

4 Wake Up Slimy Warner Bros./

5 Sexy People Lolene Capitol/


Friday, September 11, 2009

La medaglia miracolosa

Tutte le persone che porteranno questa Medaglia, riceveranno grandi grazie, specialmente portandola al collo.

NB: Le grazie saranno più abbondanti per le persone che la porteranno con fiducia.

Cari lettori, lo so: questa volta vi ho fatto proprio ridere! Ma devo confessare che non è tutta farina del mio sacco (che purtroppo è andata tutta in crusca…)!

Anzi: ad onor del vero ho solo linkato l’immagine dal sito dell’Associazione Luci sull’Est alla quale vanno i miei più sentiti complimenti per lo spirito goliardico e il forte senso dell’humor dimostrato (anche gli slogan in grassetto sono infatti tratti dal sito ).

La medaglia può essere ricevuta comodamente a casa già benedetta (!), dopo aver compilato un apposito modulo.

In allegato si riceve anche un comodo ed elegante bollettino postale che permette di inviare un’offerta libera e del tutto volontaria per sostenere la diffusione della medaglia, che è un mezzo potente e straordinario se si vuole promuovere e diffondere la devozione alla Madre di Dio e dei suoi appelli alla conversione e al cambiamento di vita permettendo così di aiutare migliaia di italiani che hanno bisogno del potere di intercessione della Madre di Dio.

Ci sono comunque altri modi per entrare in possesso del portentoso monile.

La visione di questo simpatico oggettino mi ha fatto ricordare che i monaci del Santuario del Buonconsiglio* di Frigento (AV) inondavano le aule scolastiche e le case del paese con riproduzioni del santo ninnolo mariano e nonostante la mia inaffidabile ed intermittente memoria sono riuscito a scoprire che la mia famiglia è in possesso di almeno uno di essi. Sembra infatti che, da bambino, appena tornato a casa dopo una triste giornata di catechizzazione scolastica, io mi sia liberato della preziosa medaglia rifilandola a mia nonna , che l’ha conservata per anni in un cassetto, dal quale è miracolosamente riapparsa intatta:

Ora che ne conosco le benefiche virtù, sono certo che la indosserò sempre, confidando nell’aiuto della Madonna, che oltre ad essere la nostra Madre del Cielo, è anche Regina della Terra e di tutto l’Universo. Oppure no?

*tali monaci francescani sono noti per essere particolarmente facoltosi, oltre che per l’intenso inquinamento elettromagnetico causato e per alcuni fatti di cronaca accaduti alcuni anni or sono.


M from Madonna

Nici nu s-a terminat bine concertul, nici nu m-am trezit bine de dimineata, ca si aud pareri: domne, ce porcarie, nu are voce, ce show de doi bani, Madonna ne-a facut tigani, ce praf, ce mizerie, ce nenorocire, ce rau imi pare de bani, etc.

Ajung la birou, deschid mailul si newsletterele de stiri. Intru si citesc aceleasi comentarii, in aceeasi idee.

Well, am fost si eu la concert. Am avut bilete la gazon A. Am intrat pe la 19.30, am dat din coate si am razbit cu greu, dar am razbit pana foarte aproape de scena, intr-o pozitie in care vedeam bine. La ora aia, desi era aproape plin parcul Izvor, nu am vazut praf nicaieri (nici la B).

La ora 20 a inceput sa mixeze Paul Oakenfold. Foarte tare ! Sound bun, ritm alert. Intra pe scena la un moment dat cativa dansatori, cool.

Aproape de 21 termina Paul Oakenfold. Cred ca pe la 20.45. Si ne punem pe asteptat. Si asteptam pana la 21.50, cand se sting luminile, apoi se aprinde scena, ecranele din mijloc si cele laterale si se amplifica de cateva ori sunetul. Si apare si Madonna.

Nu am sa descriu aici concertul, e descris pe mai toate site-urile de stiri.

Pe scurt : Madonna a cantat (o fi facut si playback in anumite momente, dar a cantat si live), a dansat, a sarit coarda, a schimbat mai multe tinute, toate impecabile si toate intr-un ritm nebun. Cred ca schimba o tinuta in maximum 2 minute.

O desfasurare de forte incredibila. O scena imensa, cu sincronizare perfecta intre ansamble. Iluzii optice, tehnologie peste asteptari.

In forma maxima tipa, maxim momentul dedicat lui Michael Jackson. Final grandios cu un cer luminat de lasere in ritm de « Ray of light ».

Nu am sa scriu aici despre organizarea execrabila. Aici am vorbit doar despre show-ul Madonna, care a fost unul extraordinar.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Half a Name


Sting, Pink, Madonna, Cher, Meatloaf, and Bono wouldn’t be very anonymous at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

“My name is _________ and I’m an alcoholic.”


note: these people are on a first name basis with everyone.

double note: Brazilian soccer players do have 2 names … it’s just that the other one sounds funny.

triple note: if I changed my name to “Amen” it could get confusing at church.

quadruple note: maybe I’ll change my name to “Stupid” … and sue those t-shirt people.

quintuple note: Why didn’t William Shakespeare have a Pen Name? … did he write his stuff with a pencil or something!

sextuple note: The photo has nothing to do with anything: I just like this view.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


(photo: digitracs)

DCUP’s latest is another exceptional remix.  This time the Sydney-based producer tossed up a unique spin to the Prior’s track What You Need.  It’s fresh out the oven and couldn’t be any more delicious.

Priors – What You Need (DCUP Remix)

We missed out on several remixes to 317 newcomer Bestrack last week while we were moving.  He recently released his debut EP Sunset City and it is simply banging.  Everything I have heard from him is brilliant.  If you don’t have these tracks below, you need em.  Every track offers something raw and unique.  If you dig what you hear check out the EP.  You won’t be disappointed.

The remix Justin Faust throws down is killer.  It is guaranteed to get the floors going.

GRUM – Woah (Bestrack Remix)

Bestrack – With You (Justin Faust)

Madonna – Into The Groove (Bestrack Remix)

Here’s something perfect to finally put an end to summer.  I know it’s a little early but let’s face it, school’s in session and no one is booking anymore summer vacays.  Night Max is another entangled member of the very fierce YALL production package we keep hearing so much about from Barcelona.  He is very, very talented.  Check out some earlier stuff here.

Night Max – Beach Hut (192)

I caught hold of Mark Ronson’s dub-reggae take to Miike Snow’s Animal and wow is it ever fresh.  The horn and key segment near the middle is perfect.  To be honest I’m not quite sure how he masks the vocals to adapt to his funky-ass beat but he does, and it couldn’t be any smoother.

Miike Snow – Animal (Mark Ronson)


Gossip – Love Long Distance (Fake Blood Remix) (.mp4)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mews - 9/8/09

Now that Summer is officially over, I’m back from my spell of blog laziness, and starting things off with more music news (aka “Mews”)…

- Peter Jager, a German spider expert, recently discovered a new species of arachnid found mostly in Malaysia. Apparently a glam-rock fan, Jager chose to name the rare spider “Heteropoda davidbowie.” No joke.

- Michael Jackson’s body was officially laid rest this past weekend at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles.  With recent news of his death being a homicide, it’s safe to say that Jackson’s passing is officially the biggest media event, music or otherwise, of ‘09.  NYTimes

- On the eve of the release of The Beatles Rock Band game, Bill Wyman (former Rolling Stones guitarist) went on the record with some negative words about the popular video game. “It makes less and less people dedicated to really get down and learn an instrument,” said Wyman.  Of Rock Band’s popularity, Wyman stated, “I think it’s a pity.”  NME

- Madonna, upon finishing her recent 85-show world tour, has landed the title of highest-grossing tour EVER by a solo act.  $408 million grossed, more than 3.5 million tickets sold, and 32 countries hit.  Meanwhile, U2 is also neck-deep in a huge tour, and personally, I would probably have more fun at one of U2 show.  I’m just saying.

- The new Pearl Jam record is apparently somewhat of a return to the old-school Pearl Jam.  Read an interview with front man Eddie Vedder and guitarist Stone Gossard here.



Monday, September 7, 2009

Hot Dance Club Songs Issue Date: 9/19/2009

Billboard Chart

Hot Dance Club Songs Issue Date: 9/19/2009

Rank C Title Artist Label/Dist Label Catalog


* 1 * 2 – Bulletproof La Roux Polydor/Cherrytree/Interscope

* 2 * 4 – Celebration Madonna Warner Bros.

* 3 * 8 – Obsessed Mariah Carey Island/IDJMG

* 4 * 9 – She Wolf Shakira Sony Music Latin/Epic/Sony Music

* 5 * 7 – Don’t Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go) Noisettes Mercury/IDJMG

* 6 * 11 – Everybody Shake It Ralphi Rosario Featuring Shawn Christopher Blueplate

7 * 1 – Sweet Dreams Beyonce Music World/Columbia

* 8 * 13 – Would’ve Been The One Solange Music World/Geffen/Interscope

9 3 – Goodbye Kristinia DeBarge SodaPop/Island/IDJMG

10 * 12 – Paranoid Jonas Brothers Hollywood


Sunday, September 6, 2009

The dancers surprise Madonna!

As you know Chris Lamb said that there were gonna be a few surprises in the last show in Tel Aviv… but there was also one surprise that not even Madonna knew about! In the last seconds of “Spanish Lesson” when the dancers take their black coats off, they wear no clothes! (don’t be shocked, they did have their underpants on!). Watch the video here!

Yaman Okur in "Spanish Lesson"

Madonna’s reaction is hilarious! They even stayed like that for “Miles Away” and Madonna said “thank you for showing me your asses finally!” (watch video!).  The dancers quickly put their costumes on for “La Isla Bonita”

P.S. Yaman is my Sticky & Sweet crush! (sorry Ant, Jason and Paul!) -IB



Because Madonna fans love Horiwood.Com so much every day, in the spirit of reciprocation, I’m shouting out to all of you super  Madonna fans tonight from Hollywood.

Thanks for your support each day. Let’s celebrate …. holiday in the USA. I Am because we are …. all Malawi too. Let’s give lots and join in the celebration of life.

1. Madonna turns 51 “I think you wanna come over, yeah I heard it through the grapevine.”

2. Madonna is so Vein “Put your arms around me. When it gets too hot, we can go outside. But for now just come here, let me whisper in your ear. An invitation to the dance of life 

3. Madonna takes a fall in Paris “If it makes you feel good then I say do it, I don’t know what you’re waiting for”

4. Michael Jackson’s Music Is Sticky & Sweet For  Madonna“Come join the party, yeah. Coz anybody just won’t do. Let’s get this started, yeah. Coz everybody wants to party with you.”

Shouting out also to Requiem 4 A Dream


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Madonna, Obama et Cabale, à l'usage de tous

Dans l’arbre séfirotique, la sefira Bina fait face à la sefira Hokhma. Cette dernière située à droite – côté Héssed, disons “bonté” pour faire simple -   serait plutôt réservée aux Hommes qui posséderaient, parait-il, une intelligence rationnelle et analytique. Son vis à vis, Bina,  qui vient du verbe Léavin, soit, comprendre, est plutôt attribuée aux femmes, qui comprennent le pourquoi du comment sans avoir à se livrer à de grandes spéculations intellectuelles. Elles comprennent tout simplement ce que nous, pauvres mâles, intellectualisons en tous sens, sans arriver à la racine des choses. La sefira Bina, située à gauche, se situe du même côté que Gevoura, soit, vaillance, courage ou encore Din, qui signifie justice.

Ces quelques considérations que d’aucuns appelleraient cabalistiques, figurent en fait dans un nombre considérable de manuels en vente libre, donc je ne dévoile aucun secret ésotérique, et de plus, ayant depassé largement l’âge de quarante ans, je serais parfaitement en droit d’en disserter.

Seconde considération: la Cabale ou soit disant telle, n’est pas l’apanage des juifs; les Musulmans et les Chrétiens  ont la leur, même si  elles s’inspirent largement des sources juives.

Tout ceci pour en fait venir à Madonna qui s’est récemment produite à Tel-Aviv, avec le succès que vous savez. Madonna, dite Esther, qui ne s’est pas convertie au judaïsme, je le précise au passage,  est une adepte de ce que la grande presse intitule Kabbale, avec un sourire en coin et, avec un grand K et deux b, pour faire  encore plus mystérieux.  Que comprend cette dame à cette science occulte qui, nous dit le journal Libération : “la tradition lui nierait le droit d’étudier la Kabbale, qui n’est accordé qu’aux hommes mariés de plus de quarante ans ayant étudié pendant des années le Talmud, la base de la législation religieuse du judaïsme. La Kabbale, dont le principal texte, le Livre du Zohar (”Splendeur” en hébreu), rédigé au XIIIe siècle en Espagne, a la réputation de faire perdre la tête à ceux qui se plongent dans ses mystères sans formation préalable.”

Je soutiens que Madonna qui ne souscrit pas aux critères définis plus haut par Liberation,  et qui n’a pas perdu la tête à ma connaissance, a compris une chose fondamentale et l’a décrite avec ses mots à elle, des mots simples, compréhensibles à tous:  Israël est le “centre d’énergie du monde,  Si l’on peut vivre en harmonie en ce lieu, on peut vivre en harmonie dans le monde entier”,  le tout en arborant  un drapeau israélien fourni par le public.

“Centre d’énergie du monde “!! Quelle belle définition. Elle n’est pas d’ailleurs la seule à le dire; mon épouse aussi, qui n’a pas spécialement étudié la Cabale, a coutume de qualifier Israël par  ” un pays qui dégage de l’énergie par tous les pores de la peau “. Vous voyez bien que les femmes ont la Bina, qu’elles soient juives ou qu’elles ne le soient pas.

Libération qui n’a pas grimpé sur l’arbre séfirotique, nous dit que “la chanteuse américaine a qualifié “le pays du Proche-Orient” de “centre d’énergie du monde”.

Comme s’il s’agissait d’un pays du  Proche-Orient parmi d’autres. Ca leur écorche sans doute le stylo d’écrire “Israël” et non « pays du Proche-Orient »


Madonna, que l’on apprécie ou non ses performances artistiques, a une caractéristique indéniable: elle est à elle seule une source d’énergie. Or l’énergie sait distinguer l’énergie là où elle se trouve. Peu importe le Maître – Berg en l’occurrence – qui a enseigné  des rudiments de cabbale à Madonna, cette dame a compris l’essentiel, qui est que l’énergie a sa source à Sion, diffuse à partir de Sion et qu’elle est censée produire de l’harmonie.

Comment l’Energie, dont la source est à Sion,  est censée produire de l’harmonie ? C’est là une question fort complexe que chacun d’entre vous devra résoudre avec ses propres outils, sa Bina ou sa Hohkma. Je vous livre néanmoins une explication du rav Kook que j’ai développé dans un précédent article. “La vocation de la lumière qui émane d’Israël n’est pas d’absorber ou de détruire les autres religions, comme il n’est pas de la vocation d’Israël de détruire les autres nationalités. Notre objectif consiste plutôt à les parfaire (to perfect them), à les élever et à les purger de leurs impuretés.(purge them from their dross). Alors elles se joindront automatiquement à la racine d’Israël, qui exercera sur elles une influence éclairante”.


Rav Kook aborde un autre aspect de la Cabale que l’on qualifie généralement de lourianique; autrement dit attribuée à Rabbi Isaac Ashkenazi Louria, que l’on  connaît généralement sous le nom du  Ari  qui signifie “lion”. Rav Kook  nous dit en substance que la mission du Juif est de contribuer à purger “quelque chose ” de ses impuretés ou de sa gangue. Ce qui laisse à penser que de bonnes choses existent par ailleurs mais qu’elles sont entourées d’un écorce plus ou moins épaisse qui les empêche de s’exprimer. Si l’écorce se brise, nous dit rav Kook, alors  elles se joindront à la racine d’Israël qui exercera sur elles une puissance éclairante. Lumière ou Energie, Madonna reprend avec ses mots la pensée du rav Kook. Ce n’est donc pas pour rien qu’elle a complété sa visite en Israël en se rendant sur la tombe du Ari qui se trouve à Safed. Libération, à ma connaissance,  n’a pas évoqué cette visite.


Cette analyse serait incomplète si on n’évoquait pas un compatriote célèbre de Madonna; ou plus exactement son propre Président: Barak Hussein Obama. Obama est absolument obnubilé par la construction dans les Territoires.  Israël, pour lui n’est peut être pas le centre “d’énergie du monde” mais le centre de ses préoccupations et la source de ses insomnies.  Il tient à  Israël  le discours suivant: OK pour attaquer l’Iran mais à la condition qu’Israël accepte d’arrêter la construction dans les territoires disputés (j’en ai ras le bol du terme ” territoires occupés”).  La salade qu’il tente de vendre  aux Israéliens, selon Maariv,  peut se résumer ainsi : L’Iran représente un danger existentiel pour Israël, il n’en est pas de même pour la construction dans les territoires »!!

Outre le fait qu’il s’agisse d’un sophisme, autrement dit d’un argument   à logique fallacieuse, qui apparaît comme rigoureux et logique, mais qui en réalité est absurde (quel rapport entre la construction à Maalé Adoumim, par exemple, et la menace iranienne ?), il est aussi faux, si on se place dans le système logique mentionné plus haut. Si Israël est le centre d’énergie du monde selon Madonna et la source de la Lumière qui doit éclairer les Nations, selon le rav Kook, alors la construction dans les dits Territoires est plus important que la menace iranienne. Car, des ennemis qui voulaient nous rayer de la carte du temps ou de l’espace, Israël n’en a jamais manqué, mais de pays, il n’y en a qu’un seul. Amputer Erets Israël d’une partie de sa source d’Energie est certainement plus grave que les menaces du gnome Ahmadinejad.

Mais Obama n’a pas la Bina de Madonna; il n’a pas la Hokhma de rav Kook et l’écorce, Klipa, qui recouvre sa pensée est bien  épaisse.  Il convient donc de tenter de briser cette écorce ,afin que les étincelles de sainteté qui en sont emprisonnées – elles doivent bien exister quelque part -  soient libérées. Mais comment faire ?


D’abord  l’inciter à étudier,  comme Madonna, la Cabale; il a bien fait le Sédér à Pessa’h, à la Maison Blanche. Ce ne sont pas les professeurs candidats qui vont manquer. Ensuite, lui expliquer que son obsession  par Israël n’est pas neutre. Vous avez un mec englué dans un tas de problèmes, de guerres, de menaces, et qui ne se préoccupe que de quelques arpents de terre dans un coin paumé. Avouez que ce n’est pas sérieux. Mais d’un autre côté, cette idée fixe a une raison. Sur le plan cabalistique on pourrait dire que les étincelles de sainteté s’agitent si fort dans la gangue qui les recouvre, qu’elles doivent l’empêcher de dormir.


Puisque je suis en verve aujourd’hui, je vais continuer. J’ai vu récemment à la télé le fameux film tourné sur Malcolm X. Si vous avez un trou de mémoire vous êtes priés de vous reporter à votre Wikipedia habituel. Plusieurs choses m’ont frappé dans ce film. D’abord une ressemblance physique ahurissante entre Obama et Malcolm X.  Ensuite le fait que des personnages plutôt troubles associés à Malcom X, assassiné il y a 43   ans, continuent se mouvoir dans l’ombre d’Obama pour ne citer que le sieur Farrakhan, dirigeant de Nation of Islam depuis 1981  et Jeremiah Wright, le pasteur favori d’Obama, admirateur inconditionnel de Farrakhan qu’il considère comme  “l’un des géants de l’expérience religieuse des Afro-Américains”.


Farrakhan a annoncé son soutien à Obama, le qualifiant d’ “espoir du monde entier”, de “celui qui peut relever l’Amérique après sa chute”, et même de “Messie”. Vous voyez, un discours purement cabalistico-ésoterique.  

Mais ce qui me fascine le plus chez Malcolm X est  la Techouva, ou disons sa prise de conscience. Rappelons les faits: Malcolm X après sa sortie de prison, qui fut pour lui hautement bénéfique en lui permettant d’acquérir une authentique culture, entre dans la mouvance d’un dénommé Elijah Muhammed, big boss et maître à penser de Nation of Islam.  Nous pourrions qualifier ce Monsieur de musulman libéral. Tellement libéral qu’il engrosse toutes ses secrétaires, parce qu’un grand homme doit, dit-il, semer sa graine à tous vents. Malcolm X, orateur électrisant, prend conscience que son chef spirituel n’est pas très cacher, fait le pèlerinage à la Mecque et se rend compte alors de la fraternité des musulmans, qu’ils soient jaunes, blancs, bronzés ou noirs. Sa haine viscérale de l’homme blanc, se radoucit; les blancs ne seraient donc pas tous mauvais.  Il se convertit au Sunnisme pur et dur, prend ses distances avec Elijah, se met à son compte, et bien sûr, est  assassiné par les sbires de son ancien patron. Deux mois d’ailleurs avant son assassinat le même Farrakhan avait écrit “un tel homme mérite la mort, such a man is worthy of death”. Il convient de reconnaître que Malcolm X,  malgré ses diarrhées verbales et sa haine des juifs, a fait un énorme boulot pour rendre leur dignité aux Afro-Américains. Ce mec a un côté authentique, intellectuellement honnête, et quelque part, sympa.  Si on s’inscrit encore une fois dans la logique du rav Kook, partant du principe que toutes les religions sont respectables, le fait de rejoindre un Islam authentique et non frelaté comme celui de son patron Elijah, est un premier pas  vers ce que l’on pourrait appeler la Lumière. Compte tenu du contexte racial de l’époque et du cheminement de Malcolm X, il est difficile de lui en demander d’avantage.

Peut être que cet exemple servira à Obama, qui est est d’ailleurs un fan de Malcolm X ,de préciser ses positions, entre autres religieuses, et ainsi, faire lui aussi un pas, peut être pas vers la lumière, mais vers une plus grande transparence. Obama écrit dans The Audacity of Hope”:, “L’autobiographie de Malcolm X semblait offrir autre chose. Ses actes créatifs m’ont parlé. La poésie de ses mots, son insistance sur le respect promettant un nouveau monde et sa discipline martiale, forgée dans la force de la volonté. (…) Malcom a découvert vers la fin de sa vie que certains Blancs pourraient vivre près de lui, comme frères dans l’Islam, et que cela ouvrait la voie à une possible réconciliation”.

Obama est donc un fan de Malcolm X, il n’est pas le Messie comme le prétend Farrakhan ; cela se confirme tous les jours d’avantage, mais il n’a pas encore compris, comme Madonna, qu’Israël est le “centre de l’énergie du monde”,  et que “si  l’on peut vivre en harmonie en ce lieu, on peut vivre en harmonie dans le monde entier”. Compte tenu des problèmes dans lesquels il est englué, il devrait tenter l’expérience de laisser Israël mener ses propres affaires sans interférer à tout va dans les décisions souveraines de l’Etat juif et surtout, surtout, ne pas s’occuper de Jérusalem. Car Jérusalem, c’est incontestable, est le centre focal de l’énergie de tout l’univers. Ca lui portera peut être bonheur et peut être que quelques étincelles positives apporteront de l’harmonie dans son business.

source : Geopolitiquebiblique


La felicità è martire anche quando guarisce a «Lourdes»

di Gabriella Gallozzi

Le strade delle donne sono infinite qui in Laguna. Ed hanno percorsi tra i più originali del festival.Anche ieri, per esempio,  l’itinerario al «femminile » ha offerto due vere sorprese che spaziano dall’impegno contro la violenza sulle donne all’interrogarsi sul bisogno contemporaneo di credere nei miracoli. Percorsi apparentemente opposti che mettono insieme due film di grande impatto emotivo: Desert Flower della statunitense, naturalizzata tedesca, Sherry Hormann che porta sul grande schermo la vita di Waris Dirie, l’ex top model somala diventata oggi il volto della lotta contro le mutilazioni femminili. E Lourdes dell’austriaca Jessica Hausner che, passato in concorso, si è rivelato il vero «caso» della giornata.

E non fatevi fuorviare dall’uscita in sala di quest’ultimo prevista dal Luce proprio l’8 settembre, giorno dell’Immacolata. Perché Lourdes è soprattutto uno sguardo  laico sulla ricerca della felicità di ciascuno di noi. Al centro della storia è una donna costretta sulla sedia a rotelle dalla sclerosi a  placche. La troviamo a Lourdes insieme a tanti altri malati e pellegrini. Intorno a lei i volontari della Croce di Malta che si  avvicendano nei loro servizi al prossimo con fare «militaresco ». Le infermiere, le più giovani, fanno gli occhi dolci ai loro colleghi.  Il prete del gruppo che preferisce il vino rosso all’acqua santa della Madonna. E c’è pure un premio finale al «miglior pellegrino» che si è distinto per il suo impegno coi malati. Senza mai scadere nella macchietta, ma con stile quasi documentaristico, Lourdes ci accompagna attraverso la guarigione miracolosa della protagonista: una notte, dopo tanto pregare, la donna riesce a tirarsi su dal letto. Così riprende a camminare, nonostante lo scetticismo dei medici e persino quello di certi sacerdoti. E,  soprattutto, nonostante l’invidia degli altri malati.

«Mi interessava – spiega Jessica Hausner che si dichiara cattolica sbattezzata  – indagare il miracolo come ricerca della felicità, attraverso l’emozione che accompagna il sentimento religioso». Da qui la scelta di Lourdes che, rispetto ad altre mete di pellegrinaggio, ha un suo primato in fatto di miracoli. Come del resto mostra il film non risparmiando i gadget e il kitch dell’industria che si cela dietro. «Ma non intendevo fare qualcosa di critico anche perché dalle lunghe ricerche che ho fatto non si può dire se i miracoli avvengano solo tra i credenti. La mia protagonista, infatti, non è così  religiosa». Il suo intento, quindi, è guardare «all’ambiguità che si cela dietro a questo argomento. Per questo ho cercato la distanza dello studioso che non prende posizione, ma osserva. E osserva soprattutto la caducità della felicità».

Come nel caso  della protagonista che, forse, finirà di nuovo su quella sedia a rotelle. Ma la felicità, in altri casi, può passare anche attraverso l’azione. Alla volontà di cambiare barbare tradizioni di violenza sulle donne,come quella dell’infibulazione, praticata ancora in molti paesi africani, nonostante i divieti di legge. «Mi trovo qui perché ho voluto una vita migliore», dice con piglio da combattente la bellissimaWaris Dirie, dal cui best-seller Fiore del deserto è tratto il film passato alle Giornate degli autori.Un vero inno alla liberazione delle donne africane e contro la violenza delle mutilazioni genitali – lei l’ha subita a 3 anni – che, attraverso continui flashback, ci racconta la vita di Waris: dalla sua fuga a 15 anni dal deserto somalo per sfuggire ad un matrimonio con un vecchio vedovo, fino all’incontro londinese col fotografo che l’ha trasformata in top model, alla scelta di abbandonare tutto e diventare testimonial Onu. Per questo ha voluto che il «film non fosse un documentario ma potesse arrivare al grande pubblico. Perché per fermare questa tragedia bisogna ancora fare molto».


Friday, September 4, 2009

E se...

A reportagem de Leandro Vignoli para a Revista Void desse mês.

Ele embarcou na comoção internacional gerada pela morte do Micheal Jackson e simulou o que aconteceria se alguns artistas tivessem sobrevido as suas tragédias, além de matar os artistas já vivos, confere aí as melhores:

Roberto Carlos… Nesse 50 anos de carreria, pra se comemorar apenas mesmo só tem uns 20. O resto dela é uma coisa danada de triste. Gordinhas, pena na abeça e “se ela dança, eu danço” estão aí para nos provar.

Micky Jagger e Keith Richards… Se Mark Chapman fosse fã dos Stones, em 80 a banda viraria mito e não se arrastaria pelos palcos, com a condescendência de todos.

Madonna… No mínimo, teria encontrado um Jesus muito diferente, rá.

Bob Marley… Teria gravado com Natiruts, Chimarruts, todos os ruts, aumentando a credibilidade dessas nabas e, claro, jogando no lixo a sua.

Kurt Cobain… Duvido, mas até é poissível que tivesse lançado até outro baita disco. Só que banguela e puro osso, certamente já teria se matado de novo.

Renato Russo… Antes mesmo antes de morrer ele já gravava cover da Laura Pausini. Baseado nisso, provavelmente estaria pagando mico maior do que Nasi, Dinho Ouro Preto e todos os Titãs juntos. Posando na G coberto de rosas, talvez.


Thursday, September 3, 2009


Rocco Richie, son of Madonna and filmmaker Guy Richie made his debut peformance into the world of entertainment when he spun records for his famous mom. See the clips  above. It’s nice to see Madonna passing over the mantle to her children in show biz. That’s the spirit Madge.

Earning $110 million the last year, Madonna is the world’s top  earning entertainer this year in music, beating out Celine Dion, Beyonce and The Boss,  Bruce Springsteen. Now that’s quite a hard working mother Rocco  Richie has.


Jesus, apaga a LUZ!!

“Jesuuusssss apaga a luz” mil e uma vezes! Gente, essa semana foi lançado o novo clipe da Madonna, Celebration.  E o vídeo tem a ilustre participação de quem?? Dele mesmo. O namora-moreno-foda-demais-de-gato da loira, Jesus Luz.

Madonna e Jesus Luz em Celebration

Não foi à toa que o tal do Jesus andou pagando de DJ em umas festinhas ultimamente. No clipe, ele é o DJ que agita uma festinha de Madonna. Festa bombaaada por sinal. E a música parece que foi feita pra encher mesmo a bola do cara. Olhem uma parte da letra:

Let’s get it started

No more hesitation

Coz’ everybody wants to party with you…

Sem mentira. É o DJ mais gato que eu já vi. E as cenas dos dois dando uns pegas (que vcs veem aí em cima) é tuuuudo! Eeeeita nóis! Queria muito ter colocado o clipe na íntegra aqui pra vcs, mas foi IMPOSSÍVEL!!

Foi uma loucuuuura pra conseguir esse vídeo. A gravadora liberou (por míseros dois dias) para quem quisesse baixar de graça do site do iTunes, mas quem disse que é possível?? Um zilhão de pessoas tentando junto? Claro que não daria. Depois, consegui que um amigo meu baixasse clandestinamente, claro, no E quando tentei colocar o vídeo no YouTube… Adivinhem? Aparece na hora que o vídeo foi desativado, por ser material de direito autoral da WMG. Isso tudo porque o álbum Celebration, que traz músicas inéditas junto com uma coletânea de hits, só chega às lojas em 29 de setembro!! Doideira!

Mesmo assim, coloquei aqui o teaser que a gravadora soltou antes do lançamento do clipe. O Jesus aparece como o DJ, olhando para um cara que é só o Paul Oakenfold, o verdadeiro responsável pela música e DJ que abre os show da Madonna na turnê Sticky & Sweet (que passou tb por aqui).

Dica: para ver o clipe na íntegra, corram pro

Bjossss e bom fim de semana!
